Tuesday, 31 March 2009

wow...6.000 Perusahaan Target FastNet SOHO First Media

JAKARTA - First media optimis dalam tiga bulan ke depan, 6000 perusahaan di Jakarta akan menggunakan layanannya, FastNet SOHO.

"Kami menargetkan 6.000 perusahaan dari sekira 10.000 perusahaan di Jakarta," ujar Direktur Marketing First Media, Dicky Mochtar di Kafe Pisa, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa (31/3/2009).

Menurut Dicky, saat ini Kabel First Media telah melewati sekira 500.000 rumah di Jabodetabek. "Target kami satu juta jaringan kabel akan melewati jabodetabek," ujar Dicky.

Selain itu, Dicky mengungkapkan pengguna Fastnet� hingga 2009 mencapai lebih dari 122.000 pelanggan.

"Padahal pada awal berdiri september 2007 pengguna hanya sekira 4000 pelanggan," ujarnya. Hal itu, membuktikan penetrasi internet akan terus meningkat di masa mendatang.

Saat ini First Media baru memfokuskan diri untuk wilayah Jabodetabek, meski sebenarnya FirstMedia juga memiliki jaringan kabel di Surabaya. "Kami fokus dulu di Jakarta," ujarnya.

Sementara itu, Product Development First Media, Dedy Handoko, mengatakan pelanggan Fastnet akan terus bertambah meski persaingan dengan mobile data semakin banyak.

"Kami tetap yakin bisa meraih jumlah pelanggan," katanya.

Dari beberapa� paket yang ditawarkan, 384 kbps, 512, 768kbps, dan 1500kbps, paling banyak pengguna berasal dari paket 384 kbps.

"Pelanggan di paket 384 kbps mencapai 40 persen," katanya.

sumber : okezone.com

Tidak Banyak Blogger Bertemu Prabowo

Dari yang saya baca dari okezone

JAKARTA - Pertemuan antara blogger dengan Prabowo molor satu setengah jam yang dijadwalkan. Calon presiden dari Partai Gerindra ini baru nongol pada pukul 20.35.

Sejatinya, acara 'Meet Up Prabowo dengan Blogger' akan diadakan pada pukul 19.00. Namun, Prabowo sendiri baru muncul di Amigos Cafe, Bellagio, Kuningan lebih satu setengah jam sejak tamu berdatangan.

Berdasarkan pantauan Okezone, Selasa (31/3/2009), Prabowo yang datang dengan menggunakan kemeja putih, disambut cukup hangat oleh para pendukungnya yang tergabung dalam akun Facebook Sahabat Prabowo Subianto (FBPS).

Meski tampil tanpa atribut Gerindra yang menghiasi dirinya, namun beberapa imej Partai Gerindra sempat nongol sesekali dalam presentasi yang dipaparkan Prabowo di depan para pendukungnya. Bahkan, beberapa pendukung dan kolega Prabowo pun sebagian ada yang menggunakan baju berlambang Garuda, khas Gerindra.

Sepertinya, pertemuan calon presiden Gerindra dengan Blogger kali ini tidak seramai pertemuan capres Golkar yang diadakan beberapa waktu lalu. Terlihat hanya puluhan orang yang mengikuti pertemuan ini. Itupun, sebagian besar adalah pendukung Prabowo yang kebetulan berkutat sebagai Blogger.

Kebanyakan dari mereka yang datang adalah, pendukung prabowo yang tergabung dalam sahabat Facboook Prabowo Subianto (FBPS).

Dalam presentasinya, gaya Prabowo lebih mirip dengan orang berkampanye ketimbang berdialog. Pasalnya, dirinya lebih banyak mengampanyekan visi dan misinya sendiri, khususnya memaparkan masalah ekonomi di Indonesia.

sumber : okezone.com

Friday, 27 March 2009

65 victims killed Musing Situ Gintung Found

JAKARTA - Situ Gintung embankment, South Jakarta, which is perforated on Friday morning has killed as many as 65 people have found that while the other 96 are still in search

Said Yatman's medical team from MDMC RSI Pondok Kopi which is located on the campus of Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta (UMJ), Friday (27/3/2009).

Previously, one had perforated clay embankment victims Situ Gintungsudah returned to the village homes.

Sundari (50), the local people in pulangkan to Temanngung, Central Java, using the ambulance accompanied perempuanya children who survived. Meanwhile, her husband and a baby still in the process of search.

Picked up the corpse of the victim's family Temanggun Central Java. After a bath and disalatkan, remains two children this Mother diberangkatkan was buried in the ground for the birth.

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Touchscreen Technology: A New Gateway to Products, Services

Frequent fliers know that checking in for flights is much easier and quicker today thanks to self-serve kiosks that enable users to zip through the process with the touch of a finger.

From car infotainment systems to the most advanced communication devices, touchscreens are becoming increasingly popular, converting everyday tasks into fast and fun experiences. Whether they are stopping by the ATM or casting their vote in the latest election, touchscreen technology is enabling people to do so with speed and ease.

An intuitive and interactive quality makes touchscreens appealing to all ages and in a variety of industries. Without the learning or physical limitations of a mouse and keyboard, touch technology is open to everyone, even young children or people with disabilities. Toy manufacturers, for instance, are taking advantage of touch technology to provide entertaining, yet educational, toys for children that are too young to have developed the motor skills required for a regular computer.

At retail outlets, store merchandisers are using touch technology as a new marketing strategy to engage consumers, while delivering product information at the touch of a finger. For instance, FAO Schwarz has installed 17-inch Planar touchscreens as a consumer design center for the Hot Wheels Custom Car Factory in its New York store. Using the Planar touchscreen kiosk, shoppers can customize their own Hot Wheels car with special colors, designs, wheels and rims.

The restaurant industry also is seeing the benefits of touch-integrated POS systems to improve order-processing time. Easy-to-use touchscreen devices enable servers to enter food orders faster and more accurately, enhancing the overall dining experience. Tableside units provide customers with a variety of entertainment and information options, such as playing video games or surfing the Web.

Other industries embracing touchscreen technology include automotive (car rental information portals, GPS systems), industrial (ATMs, gas station service pumps) and health care (outpatient information kiosks).

Receptive consumers and falling prices have enabled touch to spread its reach across a wide range of markets. As a result, this technology is making strong inroads as a primary way for consumers to get products, services and information. - NU

Top 5 19” LCD Monitors On The Market

When you are considering a 19” LCD monitor for your computer, you want to make sure you get the best. When looking at the top 5 19” monitors on the market, it is important to find those that are quick and helpful in terms of office production. Price, function, and a number of other factors can influence which monitors are in the top 5, but this list will at least give you a starting point.

The first of the top 5 19” LCD monitors on the market is the LG Electronics Flatron L1950B. With a resolution of 1280 by 1024 and several available adjustments, this is a great monitor for anyway. It has an easy to use height adjustment feature to keep it at eye level as you work. Also, this very slim and flat monitor gives a great looking image that is easy on the eyes and helps prevent fatigue.

The second LCD flat screen monitor to make its way into the top five is the Dell UltraSharp 1905FP. This monitor comes in with a resolution of 1280 by 1024 with a number of available adjustments to that you can have it just how you like it. It also includes three 2.0 USB ports and a full range of adjustments of the physical settings. It is easy to use and offers a great picture.

Third on the top 5 19” LCD monitors on the market is the ViewSonic VP930b. With a good resolution, again, at 1280 by 1024, the ViewSonic offers smooth and easy to use physical adjustments that allow you to comfortable with the monitor. The monitor even has a very nice stable stand that keeps it in place and makes the physical adjustments easier.

The fourth on the list ist he NEC MultiSync 90GX2. The resolution on this one is, like with most of these, 1280 by 102. The adjustment is limited to tilt and swivel, but in most cases the height is actually pretty good. The screen is a glossy design that makes text easy to read and contrast prime. Scrolling through screen menus is easy so that picture adjustment is simple and quick for anyone.

Finally, in the top 5 19” LCD monitors on the market is the Hyundai ImageQuest Q90U. Limited in adjustment to just tilt, the resolution is the same as all the rest at 1280 by 1024. There are two easy to use and reach USB 2.0 ports on this model. Three is a low response time to the monitor, but it does not really cause any problems in general use. Overall, it is still a strong monitor that you can get for about 40% less than the other models on the list.

Overall, looking at the top 5 19” LCD monitors on the market can help you decide what will work best for you. In your home office, at work, or for fun these monitors are going to be easier on your eyes and better for space management. You will be glad you took the time to equip yourself with a flat screen LCD.

Sunday, 15 March 2009

1 Click Dvd Copy - Dvd Copy Software Creates Entertainment

As computers continue to unfold so do the software programs for computer users. DVD copy software is one type of program that is becoming an industry standard. With this type of program even beginners can easily make copies of their favorite DVDs.

In order to copy one disk to another, one must have copy software. When DVDs first hit the market, software such as this became a reality and now has an interface that is very user-friendly. TV shows and movies can now be massed produced quickly and easily. Your favorite movie can now be duplicated quickly with the right computer software. You can continue to enjoy your favorite movies as they no longer have to face loss because of over use. This type of software can make copies that will keep them fresh for a long time.

Staying in touch with family is easier now because of what copy software can do for us. Easy shipping makes home movies on DVD so easy to enjoy. Copy software can also fix some scratched disks, thereby fixing a damaged DVD. The process of transferring VHS onto DVD requires the use of copy software. VCRs are becoming harder to find and repairing them is expensive because they are being phased out and will soon disappear. Copy software is one of the necessary ingredients to transfering those VHS recordings.

For those who enjoy creating and sharing home movies, the right software may just be the start of something fun and exciting. The new producer can get their start with short clips and home movies. It's fun to experiment with all the features of copy software and come up with a work of art. A new home movie maker may enjoy the process so much that they decide to pursue a career in movies.

There are a lot of uses for computer software, from copying a favorite movie, repairing a damaged disk to producing home movies. Regrettably, the software can also be used illegally which many times gives it a bad rap. However, when used legally it provides a great way of communicating with friends and relatives or just copying a disk. By copying movies and data to DVD one can preserve precious memories for years and years. Whether one buys a computer with the software previously installed or buys it later - it is definitely worth the investment.

10 Steps To A Safe, Smooth Running PC

10 Steps To A Safe, Smooth Running PC By Michael A Silva

These ten steps will help you increase your computer's security. From discovering viruses to learning how to avoid them, this article is a must read!

Windows password This is the easiest way to make sure you know who is using your pc. Choose a lengthy password that contains capital and lower case letters. Including a number or two will greatly increase your security. Having a Windows password means that the only people that can log onto a Windows session are people that you have granted access to.

Password manager You should never write your passwords down. Using the same password all the time will also make it very easy for hackers to reach your personal information. So if you can’t write it down and you’re not
supposed to use the same one – how are you supposed to keep track of all of your passwords? The easiest way to do this is to use a password manager. We prefer to use Roboform. Roboform is an easy to use password and profile manager that docks neatly into your Internet Explorer toolbar and keeps track of all of your passwords for you. Roboform also uses a master password system. You will have one password that accesses all of the passwords in the program. This way you can keep all of your information safe and secure. You can download Roboform for free by http://www.roboform.com.

Spyware Remover Next to spam, spyware is the internet’s biggest annoyance. By definition, spyware is “any software that covertly gathers user information through the user's Internet connection without his or her knowledge, usually for advertising purposes. Once installed, the spyware
monitors user activity on the Internet and transmits that information in the background to someone else. Spyware can also gather information about e-mail addresses and even passwords and credit card numbers.” The amount of spyware that exists on your pc is dependent on the amount of internet surfing you do. A good rule of thumb here is to scan for spyware once per week or whenever poor system performance surfaces. If you don’t have a spyware scanner, we recommend http://www.webroot.com.

Antivirus This should go without saying, but if your computer is connected to the internet you need antivirus software. With weekly scans and program updates you should be protected from most threats. For added protection, we
recommend using more than one anvtivirus scanner.

Firewall A firewall will keep unwanted visitors out of your computer. You can obtain a firewall either by using software application like ZoneAlarm or Black Ice Defender, or by using a router with your internet connection. For more information on routers plese visit http://www.Linksys.com.

File sharing Basically, file sharing programs are the single biggest security risk you will come across. This is because the only facts you have about the files you are downloading are the file name and the file size. It is quite simple to change a filename to dupe someone into downloading a virus or other malware like keystroke recorders. Our advice – stay away from file sharing at all costs. If you need to use it, make sure you have updated antivirus software installed and running.

Research In a sentence – know what’s out there. http://www.Symantec.com has a section on their website that will serve you well. Knowing what types of viruses exist and how to avoid them will make you a much smarter internet user.

Email protection Most of the antivirus applications available offer email scanning. If yours does not, you will want to get one that does. Email scanning will make sure all of your incoming and outgoing emails are safe for both you and the recipient. Email viruses spread very quickly by using your address book to propagate. Never read email from people you don’t know and always make sure your email scanner is active.

Network security Another way that viruses spread is through computer networks. We have a few quick tips to keep your network safe. Always scan any files that come in from other computers. Even if it’s a file you have brought from home. Never allow a file to be placed on your network until it
has been scanned. The main server should be the only computer with file sharing enabled. By not allowing computer users to transmit files, you can quickly neutralize a threat.

Maintenance Performing weekly virus and spyware scans will go a long way to keeping your computer safe. Defragmenting weekly will also greatly improve performance. If you put in the effort, you will be rewarded with a safe and smooth running pc. Not to mention less headaches!

By following these ten guide lines, you will greatly improve the performance of your computer. You will also generate peace of mind as you gain a new sense of security.


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10 Web Site Backup Essentials That You Should Live By

More and more webmasters nowadays do not value the importance of a complete website backup (files and databases). They have left this to chance and good luck which poses a great risk to their online presence.

Can you relate to this? Then read this important article which might save you an arm and a leg later.

Web site backup is the most ignored task of the webmasters simply because it poses no immediate threat to them until something worse happen to their hosting server. Many times, this task is set aside, delayed and even regarded as nuisance to the busy website owner.

They just don't realize what is at stake here.

So before your website will be wiped out of the internet by unexpected accidents like server breakdowns, harddisk failures, hacking and DDOS attacks among other bad things, let me share with you the 10 Backup E-S-S-E-N-T-I-A-L-S you should not live without online.

EXPECT - Know that your webhosting company (even the biggest and the most boastful out there) may encounter problems and that your diligence to backup up will pay off later on. Online computing has never been so unpredictable that the worse of times will happen when you least expect it. With the proper mindset, you are insuring the continuity of your online endeavour in any eventualities. In short, be ready.

SCHEDULE - Your backup process should not compete with your busy schedules. Create your own backup schedule at the most convenient time for you in the week. If you're like me, I do this during lunch and dinner times. Sometimes, I have to leave my PC overnight working on the backups. If you can make it not to conflict with your busy schedules, you will be able to keep up with the demands of this job. In short, don't complicate.

STICK with it - Just do it. Patience is key to your backup tasks. Once you have a schedule, stick with it. You must do this diligently every time it should happen. This is a tough challenge especially to busy people working online. But the sooner you discipline yourself and make backing up your files a habit, the more you will benefit from a worry-free online environment. In short, get a good habit.

EVALUATE - After a while, test your backup files. A good backup can be tested by simply restoring it on another system. Evaluating your backup results from time to time is good way to know that you are keeping what you should keep - a good and working backup. In short, be sure.

NO Complacency - After some time, your backup schedule may slip away and you will tend to forget or intentionally miss it. Don't succumb to this temptation. Man has never been so busy in his lifetime like it is today in this era of the high tech trends, new developments and discoveries. In short, don't be lazy to backup.

TRASH - Know which files to keep and not to keep. You need to do this to keep your backup process as short and as efficient as possible. It also saves you valuable resources like hard disk space and backup mediums. Backup only what you need. Keep out the trash and dump it. In short, don't sweat with the trash.

INTUITION - Have faith in your backup results. Believe that what you are doing is for your own good later on. Like vitamins that keep your body healthy, backups keeps your mind away from stress and worries. A good working backup will make you smile even on the worst of times because you are insured by your patience. In short, believe in good results.

AUTOMATE - Look for alternatives to traditional backup process that can make your life simpler. There are several technologies and softwares you can use now to generate the fastest and safest backup files you will need to restore in case of emergency without you lifting a finger. Automation is king in this lazy man's world. In short, be efficient.

LIBERATE - Free yourself from worries and anxiety of theunexpected. A death sentence that can be prevented will not kill you. So think about what you can do more (like sleepingmore at night) than to think about what harm may come. With your own backup systems established, you can retire at night calmly knowing the next day, if you don't see your websites as you should, you know you can pubish it back within the day even if your webhost cannot recover it for you. In short, relax and enjoy life to the max.

SECURITY - Nothing beats the feeling of being secured. This is the reason why the insurance businesses have flourished over the years. But more importantly, your commitment to backup your files will not only save you from stress, humiliation, frustration, anger and guilt, but also lift your spirit and confidence because you know at the end of the day, your self reliance is well worth it.

And that, my friend, is a great and wonderful feeling.

Yoga Meditation

As it is generally admitted by yoga practitioners and yoga trainers, yoga sessions are very much about self equilibrium, peacefulness and meditation. By practicing meditation we can all reach the sublime state of learning the purpose of our existence and maximizing our will to reach it.

Studies have proven that meditation highly contributes to both physical and psychological well-being, which is why yoga routines consider the practice of meditation as one of its main principles.

Reducing physical pain, stress and blood pressure, meditation promotes a state of mind, by which we can achieve self-healing. Due to all these uncontestable benefits that this practice involves, there is a great variety of information available in different formats, regarding the most efficient meditation techniques, postures, courses, products and forums.

Religion and psychology promote meditation as well, as a way of assessing our actions and seeking self improvements. As many theories and ancient believes demonstrate, our present life is determined by our previous actions, which is why it is vital to analyze and meditate on the things we do, in order to find ways of improving ourselves and thus, creating a brighter future.

Meditation is definitely one of the main principles of yoga, as it has been verified that it is a trustworthy tool to use for achieving mental clarity and health. A very important thing to know is the fact that there are various types of meditation exercises, designed for advanced or beginner yoga students. Thus, you have to carefully analyze all details and information provided on each and every one of these techniques and exercises, so that you obtain the maximum results, from your meditation routines.

Despite the fact that many people believe that, just like breathing, meditation is something that comes naturally and cannot be taught, there are a few aspects of this process, which can increase your efficiency and your results, in no time. One of the aspects you have to bear in mind is the time of the day when you carry out your yoga meditation; hence, it would be perfect if you could do it either in the morning or late in the evening, as during those particular moments of the day, the atmosphere is charged with a high level of spiritual energy.

Here is some advice regarding meditation:

* Before starting the meditation session free your mind of all worries.
* Try to locate a quiet place, where you are not likely to be disturbed.
* It is recommended to choose the same moment of the day, as well as the same place, for your meditation routine.
* Focus on meditation; do not let your mind get lost in other thoughts.
* Try to follow a pattern when breathing.
* Your head, back and neck have to be placed in a perfect straight line.

Remember that it is crucial both to perform the meditation session and to observe the results, in order to get close to experiencing the supreme synchronization between the body and the spirit.

Yoga Positions for Beginners

Yoga positions for beginners are so easy to learn. If you have not experienced any yoga session or have not seen one, that is not a problem.

Practitioners have talked about the unification of the mind, body and spirit. They claimed that this will be acquired through the practice of yoga exercises and techniques.

If it is your first time to hear of yoga, you will of course wonder how these exercises are done and how it looks like. Since you are a beginner, you will also definitely ask what kind of positions will be best for you.

Yogis have believed that the mind and the body are bonded into a unified structure. This belief has never failed and changed through time. Yoga has extensively performed an amazing procedure of healing oneself through harmony. This can be successfully done if you are in a proper environment.

With the great effects of yoga, the doctors have been convinced that yoga has some therapeutic results and can be recommended for people who have illnesses that is hard to cure.

If you have some illness that has been with you for a long time, you can practice the yoga positions for beginners and apply it to yourself.

If you want to practice the yoga positions for beginners, you must believe that yoga is effective and will help you to be cured or be refreshed.

Yoga is not just a recent application. It has been practiced and applied a long time ago and up to the present, the people are benefiting a lot from it.

Those of you not familiar with the latest on Yoga Positions for Beginners now have at least a basic understanding. But there's more to come.

Investigations and researches have been implemented to prove that yoga can be helpful in the healing process.

Therefore, it has been proved that the yoga positions for beginners are extremely effective and useful when it comes to maintaining a high level of joint flexibility. Although the yoga positions for beginners are just simple and basic, it can slowly bring up a healthy lifestyle and bring more when it is practiced over and over again.

The yoga positions for beginners are very interesting and exciting to perform. Beginners will never find it hard to keep up with the exercises because it is just simple. The technique of yoga gives a very big contributing factor to our internal glands and organs. It also includes the parts of the human body which is barely stimulated.

If you want to learn the yoga positions for beginners, you can learn it easily at home or at school where yoga is taught.

Some basic yoga positions for beginners include standing poses, seated poses, forward and backward bends, balance and twisting. These yoga positions for beginners are not that far from those who are used to practicing yoga. Only that the extreme poses and positions are handled at the latter part of the exercise.

The time duration in executing the positions are also lessened because a beginner cannot fully cope up with a longer time exposure in practice. Rest is required of the beginner so that he will not be drained easily to prepare the body for further positions.

Since you are a beginner, the most important thing you should understand is self discipline. Yoga is not just doing yoga and executing the poses. If you haven’t mastered the basics yet, do not jump into the complex stages and positions because you will not feel the essence of executing the yoga positions for beginners.

That's how things stand right now. Keep in mind that any subject can change over time, so be sure you keep up with the latest news.

Yoga Your Way to Physical and Mental Fitness

Although considered by many simply as an exercise fad, yoga practice has in fact helped thousands of people in improving their physical and mental fitness. Remember the golden rule of never judging a book by its cover; if you think that yoga’s all about bending and breathing and nothing else, think again.

The History of Yoga

The practice of yoga has been around for more than four thousand years already. Its origins can be traced back to India where even today, it is considered as a highly valued practice to reach a state of enlightenment. Yoga as a means to receive enlightenment is a central point in several religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.

In other parts of the world, the popularity of yoga is caused by its many health benefits and its associated use with asanas (postures) of Hatha Yoga as fitness exercises.

Purpose of Yoga and Its Main Components

Besides reaching a spiritual state of enlightenment, yoga can also help individuals reach a better understanding of not only their bodies but their inner selves as well.

When practicing yoga, you’ll notice that you’ll be concentrating on three main points:

Body Positioning or Posture

Breathing Techniques

Meditating Techniques

Advantages of Yoga

Treating Back Injuries - yoga can heal back injuries that you may have by increasing the blood circulation for your injured tissues to heal faster and strengthening your lower back muscles; yoga may also in several cases heal other types of injuries as well

Prevention - Yoga also has the power to reduce chances of re-injuring yourself, shorten the time needed to recover from injuries and serve as a regular exercise technique to prevent disabilities

Mental Clarity and Improved Stress Control – The quiet and deeply relaxing techniques used in yoga would help you have a better state of mind every day at work and better control of your stress levels

Greater Self-Understanding and General Well-Being – Find yourself amazed with how much at peace you feel with yourself when you start practicing yoga regularly

Generally Better Physical Health – Besides getting that ideal toned figure you’ve been aiming for, yoga will also help in refreshing your kidneys and maintain a better posture

Better Sleep – Rediscover the simple pleasures of sleeping with the help of yoga.

Beginner’s Tips for Yoga Practice

Consult Your Doctor – Before launching on to the first yoga step you encounter, make sure that your doctor gives you the go-ahead to do so. Yes, it’s true that anyone can technically do yoga but there are certain difficult poses that would be impossible or dangerous to attempt if you are troubled with past injuries or disabilities.

Just to be on the safe side, talk to your doctor and ask him if you can yoga your way to having a sexy figure or not.

Classes or Private Lessons – When you’re determined to join a yoga class, make sure that you’re joining a class whose level fits yours. Make sure that you join the class on the first day as well to avoid feelings of insecurity when you see others being able to tackle new yoga poses that boggle the mind. Secondly, choose a class schedule that you can regularly adhere to. If you only attend a class or two every two months, that’s sort of defeating the point of joining a class in the first place. Lastly, choose the type of yoga class that fits your taste and abilities.

On the other hand, if you’re not the social type, you can always attempt yoga practice at home and with the comforts of privacy. The only disadvantage to this however is the chance that you’re not doing something right and the possibility of causing harm to yourself. The best compromise, in this case, would be to hire a private teacher for a lesson or two or until you know enough to practice on your own.