Friday 27 March 2009

65 victims killed Musing Situ Gintung Found

JAKARTA - Situ Gintung embankment, South Jakarta, which is perforated on Friday morning has killed as many as 65 people have found that while the other 96 are still in search

Said Yatman's medical team from MDMC RSI Pondok Kopi which is located on the campus of Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta (UMJ), Friday (27/3/2009).

Previously, one had perforated clay embankment victims Situ Gintungsudah returned to the village homes.

Sundari (50), the local people in pulangkan to Temanngung, Central Java, using the ambulance accompanied perempuanya children who survived. Meanwhile, her husband and a baby still in the process of search.

Picked up the corpse of the victim's family Temanggun Central Java. After a bath and disalatkan, remains two children this Mother diberangkatkan was buried in the ground for the birth.

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