Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Flu babi adalah kasus-kasus influensa yang dikarenakan oleh virus Orthomyxoviridae "(Orthomyxoviridae adalah keluarga virus RNA yang meliputi lima genera: Influenzavirus A, Influenzavirus B, Influenzavirus C, Thogotovirus dan Isavirus. Tiga genera pertama dapat menyebabkan influenza pada vertebrata, termasuk burung (lihat juga flu burung), manusia dan mamalia lainnya. Isaviruses menginfeksi salmon; thogotoviruses menginfeksi vertebrata dan invertebrata, seperti nyamuk)" pada populasi babi. virus flu babi yang telah diisolasi sampai saat ini telah digolongkan sebagai Influenzavirus C ney kawan!!
di karena kan Babi dapat menampung virus flu yang berasal dari manusia maupun burung, memungkinkan virus tersebut bertukar gen dan menciptakan galur pandemik.
Flu babi menginfeksi manusia tiap tahun dan biasanya ditemukan pada orang-orang yang bersentuhan dengan babi, meskipun ditemukan juga kasus-kasus penularan dari manusia ke manusia.[2] Gejala virus FLU BABI termasuk demam, disorientasi, kekakuan pada sendi, muntah-muntah, dan kehilangan kesadaran yang berakhir pada kematian Flu babi diketahui disebabkan oleh virus influenza A subtipe H1N1[4] H1N2,[4] H3N1,[5] H3N2,[4] and H2N3.[6]
kemudian Di Amerika Serikat, hanya subtipe H1N1 lazim ditemukan di populasi babi sebelum tahun 1998. Namun sejak akhir Agusuts 1998, subtipe H3N2 telah diisolasi juga dari babi.
Babi dapat menampung virus flu yang berasal dari manusia maupun burung, memungkinkan virus tersebut bertukar gen dan menciptakan galur pandemik.
oleh itu kawan harap waspada-waspadalah apabila ada gejala gejal yang seperti itu harap piksa
ke dokter setempat..
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Saturday, 11 April 2009
Microsoft bounty for worm creator
A reward of $250,000 (£172,000) has been offered by Microsoft to find who is behind the Downadup/Conficker virus.
Since it started circulating in October 2008 the Conficker worm has managed to infect millions of Windows computers.
The software giant is offering the cash reward because it views the Conficker worm as a criminal attack.
"People who write this malware have to be held accountable," said George Stathakopulos, of Microsoft's Trustworthy Computing Group.
He told BBC News the company was "not prepared to sit back and let this kind of activity go unchecked".
"Our message is very clear - whoever wrote this caused significant pain to our customers and we are sending a message that we will do everything we can to help with your arrest," said Mr Stathakopulos.
Arbor Networks said as many as 12 million computers could be affected globally by Conficker/Downadup since it began prowling the web looking for vulnerable machines to infect in October.
Malicious payload
The Conficker worm is a self-replicating program that takes advantage of networks or computers that have not kept up to date with Windows security patches.
It can infect machines via a net connection or by hiding on USB memory drives used to ferry data from one computer to another. Once in a computer it digs deep, setting up defences that make it hard to extract.The worm slithers through networks by guessing usernames and passwords. Security specialists recommend hardening passwords by mixing in numbers, punctuation marks and capital letters.
The virus reports in to its creators for updates by visiting a web domain. It generates the name of the domain itself using a complicated code which security firms have cracked to track the growth of the worm and block its progress.
Malware such as Downadup can be triggered to steal data or turn control of infected computers over to malicious hackers which pool them into larger armies of so-called botnets.
These networks of compromised machines can be used to send spam, as dead drops for stolen or pirated data and to launch attacks on other machines.
Although Downadup is widespread its creators have yet to activate its payload to steal data or launch other attacks.
It has caused costly headaches for network administrators dealing with users locked out of their accounts when the worm correctly guesses a password.
While Microsoft says it does not know the intention of the worm's creator, it wants to ensure it does not wreak any more havoc.
Experts say users should have up-to-date anti-virus software and install Microsoft's MS08-067 patch - also known as KB958644.
Global response
Microsoft has also partnered with security companies, domain name providers, academia, internet companies such as AOL and others on a co-ordinated global response to the worm.Also included is the US Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security.
"The best way to defeat potential botnets like Conficker/Downadup is by the security and Domain Name System communities working together," said Greg Rattray, chief internet security adviser at the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Icann).
"Icann represents a community that's all about co-ordinating those kinds of efforts to keep the internet globally secure and stable."
Sasser worm
In 2003 Microsoft created its reward programme with $5m (£3.4m) in funding to help law enforcement agencies bring computer virus and worm authors to justice.
This reward for help in tracking the creators of Downadup is the first time in four years that the company has put up some cash in response to a worm outbreak."We have not seen this type of worm or one of its class since 2004," said Mr Stathakopulos.
In 2005 Microsoft paid out $250,000 (£171,000) to two individuals who helped identify the creator of the notorious Sasser worm. The author was arrested and sentenced by the German authorities.
Rewards of $250,000 were offered over three other major computer worm threats known as Blaster, MyDoom and Sobig worms.
Those perpetrators have never been caught.source: bbc news
Custom Search
Danger Conficker begins stealthy update
The Conficker worm has started to update infected machines with a mystery package of data.
Computer security firms watching the malicious program noticed that it sprang into life late on 8 April.
The activity on its update system delivered encrypted software to compromised machines. It is not yet clear what the payload contains.
The Conficker virus variants are thought to be present on millions of PCs around the world.
Spam connection
The updating activity has begun about a week later than expected. Analysis of the "C" variant of Conficker (aka Downadup) revealed that its updating mechanism was due to go live on 1 April.
The belated updates were spotted by researchers for Trend Micro following the arrival of a new file in one of the directories in so-called "honeypot" machines deliberately seeded with Conficker C.
Analysis showed that the file had arrived via the peer-to-peer file transfer system that infected machines use to communicate.
In a bid to avoid alerting people to its activity, the update is slowly being trickled across the population of machines harbouring the C variant. Exact figures for the number of Conficker-infected machines are hard to determine, but the minimum is widely believed to be three million.
"The Conficker/Downad P2P communications is now running in full swing," wrote Ivan Macalintal from Trend Research on the company's security blog.
Once it arrives on a machine, the package of data randomly checks one of five different websites - MySpace, MSN, eBay, CNN and AOL - to ensure its host still has net access and to confirm the current time and date.
Following this check the data package removes all traces of its installation.
The strong encryption on the payload has, so far, prevented detailed analysis of what it actually does. However, security experts speculate that it is a "rootkit" that will bury itself deep in Windows in order to steal saleable data such as bank website login details.
Security researchers are continuing to analyse the payload to get a better idea of what it is intended to do.
Symantec said it too had noticed the increased activity of Conficker and its analysis suggested a link with another well-known virus called Waledac. This malicious program steals sensitive data, turns PCs into spam relays and opens up a backdoor so the machine can be controlled remotely.
The security firm noticed that the update also included an instruction to the worm to remove itself on 3 May, 2009. However, the Waledac imposed backdoor on the machine will remain open, so its creators can still control compromised PCs.
Yahoo, Microsoft reportedly talking partnership
The discussions restarted a few weeks ago, and included a meeting between new Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz and Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, the technology blog AllThingsD said Friday.
The two companies have intermittently talked about partnering in search engine advertising since last year after Microsoft's unsolicited $47.5 billion takeover bid for the Sunnyvale Web portal fell apart. Microsoft executives have championed a partnership as a way to better compete with search industry leader Google Inc. while underscoring that they are no longer interested in an acquisition.
Current discussions are aimed at finding ways for the pair to work together on a number of fronts, according to the report. One potential idea is for Microsoft to handle the search advertising business for both Web sites while Yahoo would handle all of the display advertising, capitalizing on its strength in banner ads.
Representatives from Yahoo and Microsoft declined to comment.
source:GOOGLE NEWSTuesday, 7 April 2009
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udah saya kepikiran tuk nyariii....
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jangan lupa komentar yaaa................
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Saturday, 4 April 2009
lagu terbaik pengamen jalan
Duh kawan ney lagu buat hati saya ampe terheran heran ney lagu menyentuh banget di hati dan lagu itu di nyanyikan sama anak kecil yang menjadi pengamen dijalan.
andai bisa ketemu ma tuh pengmen saya suka banget sama tuh lagu .sampai ga bosen aku puter puter terus...anda mau lagu nyaaa klik aja tuh gambar pengmen kecil itu ok....okkk
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